No-frame Transparent Clock
Install this clock:
Invisible to mouse-clicks, customizable
click-through, no frames:
border-free, just the clock:
several designs to choose from:
innovative designs:
This moon is border-free!
Almost Invisible
Fully transparent clock, no frames, invisible to mouse-clicks!
You can simply put this clock anywhere on your screen - and keep working as if it wasn't there!
Important to know, when you click where the clock is you actually click what's underneath. Not only is the background completely transparent, it also lets mouse-clicks through!
As you can see from the pictures, there are plenty of carefully designed clocks you can choose from. It's completely free to test, and includes an analog and a digital clock design free of charge, fully usable.
Or design your own clock: change fonts, size, and colors!
  • completely invisible window (except for the time...)
  • invisible to mouse-clicks (click-through)
  • invisible in taskbar/Alt+Tab (optional)
  • invisible background (contents behind is fully visible and usable!)
  • stay on top of other windows (optional)
  • date & seconds optional
  • analog and digital design included (more available)
  • free, no ads
  • active support and regular updates
Version 24.5.14 (May 14, 2024)
Skin selection:
More skins:
FREE for private and business use!
Can we do better? Let us know per E-mail or Discord (also DM)
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